Manchester Home and Auto Insurance Quotes
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We have the best mix of Auto, Home, Business and Life insurance carriers to offer you the best insurance rates. To be matched up with one of our trusted local Manchester insurance agents you have 4 ways to contact us.
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Manchester Insurance Customer Reviews
Ingrid from Manchester, CT

I was very impressed with the knowledge Amanda has. She saved me a great amount of money compared to my prior insurance company and was very professional and on point. Thanks again for the great experience.
Type of Insurance: Auto Insurance
Joshua from Manchester, CT

Amazing work for such an amazing price
Type of Insurance: Auto Insurance
Patricia from Manchester, CT

I am very happy with this ins. co. The customer service is very helpful and will find the best coverage for the best price.
Type of Insurance: Home Insurance
Manchester Insurance Savings Stories
James from Manchester, CT just saved $50 per month on his auto insurance when we switched him State Farm Insurance.Cody from Manchester< CT was looking for his first auto insurance policy. After becoming discouraged by receiving quotes for over $200 per month, he contacted us. We were able to find him a policy for just $121 per month. Enjoy your car Cody!
Simiat, from Manchester, CT, had an auto insurance policy with National General that was increasing by $328.00 at renewal time. After re-shopping her auto insurance policy, our findings were exciting! We were able to save her $172.00 for the year on this automobile policy simply by switching her to Main Street America!
Dimitrie from Manchester, CT had a policy with Progressive that was decreasing by $85.00 for the renewal term. Even with a decrease, we look to provide additional savings and value for our clients. When we re-shopped his policy we found an additional $254.00 in savings. That is a total of $339.00!
Shymabhaskaran from Manchester, CT had an automobile insurance policy with Progressive Insurance that was decreasing at the time of renewal. Since we are always striving to provide our clients with the best value possible, we re-shopped this auto insurance policy. When doing so, we found that we could increase our client's automobile insurance liability limits from the CT state minimum of 25/50 to an increased coverage of 50/100 and save our client $500.00 for the next year!
Alfred from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy with National General Insurance that was increasing $70.00 at time of renewal. When re-shopping the policy we found that we could switch the policy to Nationwide Insurance and save the client $474.00 a year without compromising any of the automobile insurance.
Jessica from Manchester, CT was facing a significant increase in her auto insurance renewal with State Auto. When we re-shopped her auto insurance policy we found that we could save her $800.00 by switching her auto insurance carrier to MetLife and keep all of her coverage the same.
Laureen from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy that was renewing with a decrease in premium. By switching her insurance carrier from Foremost to State Auto, we found a savings of $119.00!
Gabriel from Manchester, CT had an automobile insurance policy that was increasing $132.00 at the time of renewal. When we re-shopped the policy we were able to switch the insurance carrier from Progressive to Main Street America and save a total of $1330.00 dollars all at no additional cost.
Alfred from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy with National General Insurance that was increasing $70.00 at time of renewal. When re-shopping the policy we found that we could switch the policy to Nationwide Insurance and save the client $474.00 a year without compromising any of the automobile insurance.
Sarah from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy that was renewing with an increase of $4.00 for the next 12-month term. By switching the insurance carrier from Safeco to Progressive, we found a savings of $186.00 and keep all the coverages the same from one insurance carrier to the next.
Jessica from Manchester, CT was facing a small increase in her auto insurance policy. We re-shopped this policy, and with a switch to State Auto, we saved this client $263.00!
Keauna from Manchester, CT was facing a $2.00 increase in auto insurance premium. With insurance rates always changing, we re-shopped the policy. By doing this we found that we could save $676.00 by switching the auto insurance carrier.
Todd from Manchester, CT had auto insurance that was increasing at the time of renewal. Since we re-shop all our client’s insurance policies, were able to switch this client to State Auto and save $67.00 a year!
Samantha from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy that was increasing $4.00 for the year. Since we truly believe in finding our clients the best value we can, we re-shopped this policy. We found that by switching carriers we could save this client $500.00 for the next year without compromising any of the current coverage.
Maria from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy that was renewing with a substantial increase in auto insurance premium. By switching this client’s insurance carrier to Safeco we found a savings of $143.00!
Joshua from Manchester, CT had an auto insurance policy that just seemed to be too much. When we shopped policy at renewal, we found amazing savings! By switching to Safeco, we saved this client $320.00 a year!
Sylvia from Manchester, CT had a policy that was increasing $6.00 for the renewal term. At the time of the re-shop, we found by switching this policy to State Auto and increasing her liability limits from CT state minimum of 25/50 to 50/100, we could save this client $117.00!
Randy from Manchester, CT as paying too much with his current carrier for his auto insurance policy. After shopping this auto insurance policy, we found that we could save him $708.00 simply by switching carriers.
Giancarlo from Manchester, CT had and auto insurance policy with CT state minimum liability limits of 25/50. Unfortunately, at renewal time his policy was increasing by $80.00 for the next year. After re-shopping his auto insurance policy, our findings were outstanding! We were able to increase his liability limits to 50/100 and still save him $296.00 for the year!
Grabiel from Manchester, Ct had an automobile insurance policy that was increasing by $250.00 at the time of renewal. When we re-shopped his automobile insurance policy, we were able to switch his insurance carrier and save him a total of $310.00 all at no additional cost to him.
Kay from Manchester, CT was facing a $280.00 increase on her auto insurance policy renewal. At the time of re-shop, we found by increasing her liability limits from CT state minimum of 25/50 to an increased coverage of 50/100 we could save Kay $260.00.
Whether you're looking for the best auto insurance rates, best home insurance rates, business or life insurance, we can help! Our insurance agents are highly trained and experts in the products we sell. If you're looking for cheap insurance rates without cheap service, give us a try.